
Creative Commons Licence


Quercus lyrata Walter

(Overcup Oak)

Plant Accession: #517-2000*2 seed

Source: Wild collected seeds from International Oak Society Seed Exchange, collected by Ron Lance on bank of Lake Seminole near J. Woodruff dam, Decatur County, Georgia.

Location: Quercus G-104/82-57

Oval shaped tree 11 feet tall and 12 feet wide in good condition. Trunk bark is flaky and gray. This year's growth is green and smooth. Previous year's growth is gray and rough. Some insect damage.

Laurie Glaysher, Evelyn Means, Joyce Beck


July 12, 2012

Phylogeny of the New World oaks: Diversification of an ecologically important clade

across the tropical-temperate divide. (2012-2015 NSF Grant, DEB 114648)

Photographer: Albrecht, William. Publisher: Albrecht, William.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith