
Quercus grisea Liebm.
Location: Arizona, US; Chiracauha Mountains Southern portion in Rucker Canyon; Lat: 31.9318372, Long: -109.1954543 (WGS84); Altitude: 5411 ft.
Plant Attributes: DBH: 11+8 (2 stems together) cm; Height: 2.5 m
Habitat/Associates: Agave palmeri, Pinus discolor, Pinus edulus, Cercocarpus montanas, Persopis mesquite, Mimosa aculeatacarpa, Ceonothus greggii, Yucca baccata; Dry wooded shrubland, limestone
Andrew Hipp, Paul Manos, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Jeanne Romero-Severson, & Beth Fallon
# AZ-CH-8
June 02, 2012
Phylogeny of the New World oaks: Diversification of an ecologically important clade across the tropical-temperate divide. (2012-2015 NSF Grant, DEB 114648)
Photographer: Albrecht, William. Publisher: Albrecht, William.