Title | MOR Quercus stellata Wangenh. 175355 |
License | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ |
Rating | 2.5 |
Vetted | Trusted |
Description | MOR Quercus stellata Wangenh. 175355 FAGACEAE
Quercus stellata Wangenh
Location: Menard County; Starhill Forest Arboretum, Petersburg, IL; North 39°56.1' / West 89°48.1' (website); Tree GPS location: (Lat: 39.9342382, Long: -89.8014519) WGS84; Starhill (Compartment #: OB, Lot #: 4, LC Accession #: 2001-058). Plant Attributes: DBH: 30cm; Height: 3.1m Original Source: Forbes SP; Marion Co., IL, USA.
Bethany Hayward Brown & Marcial Escudero & Alana McKean # IL-SH-174 6/12/2012
Phylogeny of the oaks of the Americas: Diversification of an ecologically important clade across the tropical-temperate divide. (2012-2015 NSF Grant, DEB 114648) |
Original URL | http://quercus.lifedesks.org/image/view/1135/_original |
photographer | Albrecht, William |
publisher | Albrecht, William |
provider | Oaks of the Americas |