
TitleQuercus georgiana. Brown B., 2012. Habit. (Starhill Forest Arb Menard Co. IL USA). IL-SH-118 (photo voucher 2 of 2)
Quercus georgiana. Brown B., 2012. Habit. (Starhill Forest Arb Menard Co. IL USA). IL-SH-118 (photo voucher 2 of 2)


Quercus georgiana M. A. Curtis

Location: Menard County; Starhill Forest Arboretum, Petersburg, IL; North 39°56.1' / West 89°48.1' (website); Tree GPS location: (Lat: 39.932625, Long: -89.801747) WGS84; Starhill (Compartment #: OOOA, Lot #: 3, LC Accession #: 2011-020).

Plant Attributes: DBH: 3cm; Height: 0.3m

Original Source: Stone Mountain; Stone Mountain; GA, USA.

Bethany Hayward Brown & Marcial Escudero & Alana McKean

# IL-SH-118


Phylogeny of the oaks of the Americas: Diversification of an ecologically important clade across the tropical-temperate divide. (2012-2015 NSF Grant, DEB 114648)

Original URLhttp://quercus.lifedesks.org/image/view/532/_original
publisherAlbrecht, William
photographerBrown B
providerOaks of the Americas
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith